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5 Tips To Get Your Air Conditioner Ready For Summer


Stephens Plumbing

May 19, 2023


Air conditioning units are critical for the summer, so the cooler months are the ideal time to prep the system. However, ensuring your air conditioning is ready once the temperature rises takes work.

As professionals with experience in the industry, we know what it takes to prep your system for the warmer months. So let’s review some how to get your air conditioner ready for summer.

Consider Safety

First, consider safety before touching any components of your air conditioning system. Then, get to the circuit breaker and turn it off, along with the condenser at the service panel. You should also turn off the disconnect box.

It’s always better to be safe than sorry when working around electricity. Avoid injury and turn off all dangerous components before sticking your hand inside your unit.

Deal With Filters

The next choice of our air conditioner tips for summer is to clean or replace the filters in your unit. Over time, these items will get clogged with dust and debris. So change them when they look dirty and clogged, or at least twice a year, for the best results.

If you don’t change them, the dust could recirculate inside your house once the air conditioning starts. It will also make your system less efficient and could restrict the overall airflow to your home. Replace or clean filters to ensure you remain cool, even when it heats up outside.

Clean the Condensation Lines

The condensation lines are another vital part of the system. This pipe moves the condensation from your unit, and it’s easy to become clogged if too much buildup is inside. A clog will happen quickly once the hot months hit unless you address the issue before the sun comes out full-time.

Determine where the pipe drains and watch to see if liquid comes out. If not, you might need to hire a professional to clean it.

Wipe the Coils on the Outside Unit

The coils on your outside unit matter, too. In the colder months, they will gather dust and debris if you don’t protect them. Once the summer hits, the coils are clogged and will slow down your air conditioning.

The best thing you can do is turn off the power and wash it with a hose. Then, try an air conditioner cleaner to wipe off the grime if that tactic fails. Also, check for any components that animals may have damaged.

Add A Programmable Thermostat

Our last helpful air conditioning tip for summer is to install a programmable thermostat in your home. If you don’t already have one on your wall, it’s time to make the change. Thermostats are simple to install and don’t cost very much. These systems will help you save energy and prevent heating or cooling when it is unnecessary.

Let the Experts Care for Your A/C Unit

Whether you need to get your air conditioner ready for summer or it’s not running properly, we can help. We have over 32 years of plumbing and HVAC experience with fully licensed and trained technicians. We offer 24/7 emergency service throughout the South Bay, Long Beach and Orange County. Contact us to schedule an appointment and receive a free estimate.


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