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Green Plumbing Tips for Eco-Conscious Homes


Stephens Plumbing

May 31, 2024

Green Plumbing Tips for Eco-Conscious Homes

While most of us would like to adopt more eco-friendly practices, doing so often feels cost-prohibitive, inconvenient, and inefficient. But over 40 years of plumbing experience have shown us that “going green” doesn’t necessarily mean reconfiguring your entire home or making expensive upfront investments.

Reducing your carbon footprint can be simple, and these eco-friendly plumbing tips are great examples of how you can increase comfort, eliminate energy inefficiencies, and save money in the process. Let's explore these tips in more detail.

Invest in Low-Flow Fixtures

Many homeowners are reluctant to switch to low-flow showerheads, faucets, and toilets. This is often due to the misconception that low-flow fixtures negatively affect performance and reduce water pressure.

The truth is that low-flow fixtures do not reduce water pressure. They simply control the flow rate of water—which means that although less water is released over time, water pressure remains the same.

To paint a fuller picture, consider that a traditional shower head can use up to 5+ gallons of water per minute. A low-flow shower head, on the other hand, may only use half as many gallons per minute (often less). This translates to lower monthly water bills and reduced waste—without compromising comfort or efficiency.

Repair Leaks

Believe it or not, fixing a simple household water leak can reduce your monthly bill by 10% or even more. While common culprits like faulty toilet flappers and dripping faucets or shower heads are easy to spot, detecting hidden leaks may require a little detective work.

Check Your Utility Bill

Begin by checking your January or February water bill. Why? During colder months, most homeowners do not use water for outdoor activities. So, your bill should establish a baseline for your household’s typical indoor water consumption. If your winter water use exceeds 12,000 gallons per month for a family of four, you likely have a significant water leak.

Read Your Water Meter

Reading your water meter is another method we use to detect leaks. We begin by taking a reading when no water is being used in the home. If that reading changes within two hours, you likely have a leak.

Test Your Toilet

Here’s an easy way to test your toilet for leaks: Add a few drops of food coloring to your toilet tank and wait 10-15 minutes. If color appears in the bowl, you may have a leak.

Upgrade Appliances

Unfortunately, many older appliances are notorious water and energy wasters. While we realize that replacing a perfectly functioning appliance may not be feasible for every homeowner, it's worth considering more efficient options if you are planning a remodel or are ready to upgrade.

  • Toilet flushing accounts for nearly 40% of daily water usage in the average household. Replacing an old toilet could reduce that waste by 25% or even more.
  • High-efficiency washers use 30-50% less water, 50-60% less energy, and require less detergent than traditional units.
  • Dishwashers have also come a long way in curbing water and energy waste. The average dishwasher made before 1994 can use as many as 9-14 gallons of water per cycle. Energy Star-rated units use less than 4 gallons for every load.

Sustainability & Savings Starts Here!

At Stephens Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning, we are committed to helping homeowners create more eco-friendly homes. Whether you need help installing low-flow fixtures or finding and fixing hidden leaks, we offer a full range of services designed to help you curb waste, increase efficiency, save money, and reduce your environmental impact. Contact us today!


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